Allands Online Order Form
Allands provides reporting services for Arizona

Contact Information

Company Name:
Your Name:
Your E-Mail:
Remember Me:

Project Information

Project Number:
Report Needed By (m/d/y):

Subject Property Information  

Commercial Name:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Assessor's Parcel Number(s):
Township:     Township Direction:
Range:     Range Direction:


Requested Reports

You may select as many reports as you need by checking the box next to that report.


* Per parcel, each additional adjacent parcel $100 (discounts applied for multiple parcels with same chain of ownership). Please request a quote if the multiple parcels are in different sections.

Additional Information


Order Notes:


The request has timed out, you may continue to wait, or try re-submitting the form.

Please note that form submission may take several moments if you have added multiple or large attachments.